Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
Abbreviated month name.
Abbreviated week's day name, starting with Sun.
AM and PM values, if any
Code set
Currency symbol in native format.
Currency native place for negative amounts 1 - symbol precedes value, 0 - follows it.
Currency native place for positive amounts 1 - symbol precedes value, 0 - follows it.
String that can be used as a format string to represent date in a locale-specific way.
String that can be used as a format string to represent time and date in a locale-specific way.
Decimal point character (decimal dot, decimal comma, etc.).
Native digits after decimal place for money.
Currency symbol in international format.
Currency international place for negative amounts 1 - symbol precedes value, 0 - follows it.
Currency international place for positive amounts 1 - symbol precedes value, 0 - follows it.
International digits after decimal place for money.
Full month name.
Locale name. For example, ru-RU.
AM and PM values, if any
Separator character for thousands (groups of three digits).
String that can be used as a format string to represent time in a locale-specific way.
Full week's day name, starting with Sunday.
Info about locale.